Hi Lovelies!
A lot of personal stuff has happened over the last couple of weeks, and I've been rather busy making plans. I had to take out my cheek piercings, due to rejecting in one of them. I actually kinda like it without them though, so don't think I will get them pierced. I'm still working on my goal from last year, about caring more about my looks, and taking care of and spoiling myself. Right now I'm in the middle of a move, but after that my financial situation should be a lot better, allowing me to really get going on that goal. Starting with makeup practice, and starting to wear it everyday. That is a huge step for me, and something I've always wanted.
I have also booked an appointment the 1st of June, to get some new delicious ink. It will be my lovely friend Tammie, who gets the honor of tattooing my nipples. - Yes, my nipples! I'm really excited about it, and as always, I'll let you know as soon as it has happened.
- I have other great news too. I have for a couple of years now, been admiring corsetry. I have started researching more seriously, and will continues to do so. My hope is that I within the next couple of months, can start waisttraining! This is something that hopefully will change my life in many ways.
Also, I have made an Instragram, so follow me there for pictures, and a lot of boobielicious selfies. @mydamnmodblog
- Remember that nobody has the right to tell you how to look, or how to feel about yourself. Your look is ALL yours, do with it what you desire <3
- XoXo Rikz